why is slow flow yoga a good idea

Why Is Slow-Flow Yoga A Good Idea?

By team | October 13, 2023

You can think of Slow Flow as a hybrid of Vinyasa and Hatha yoga. Vinyasa flow is an active, dynamic style of yoga that emphasises linking breath with movement and poses. As the name implies, Flow yoga is characterised by a continuous flow from one posture to the next. In contrast, Hatha Yoga is done […]

what to consider before practising yoga

What To Consider Before Practising Yoga?

By team | October 12, 2023

Since the mind controls the body, it stands to reason that a person who regularly practises Yoga can achieve remarkable success in all areas of their lives. When you practise Yoga, you’ll find that you have vast stores of pent-up energy that were previously being wasted. You can cultivate ‘Prana Tatva’ in your body once […]

what benefits does kundalini yoga offer

What Benefits Does Kundalini Yoga Offer?

By team | October 11, 2023

Awareness is the goal of Kundalini Yoga, also known as the Yoga of the Kundalini. It’s yoga for those who get out and about in the world, the householder variety. Renunciates are responsible for the development of most other yoga traditions. Kundalini Yoga provides tools for rapid spiritual development and recovery. Regular practice allows you […]

how does hatha yoga heal

How Does Hatha Yoga Heal?

By team | October 10, 2023

Hatha Yoga is characterised by a cautious, precise approach that uses props to facilitate and deepen the poses. Holding poses for longer periods while breathing consciously allows the brain and body to develop a new relationship. Yoga helps one become more self-aware. It helps you tune in to your current physical capabilities. It’s a great […]

how can vinyasa yoga improve your well being

How Can Vinyasa Yoga Improve Your Well-Being?

By team | October 9, 2023

Despite what the media would have us believe, yoga is more than physical postures. It includes meditation, mantras, chanting, devotion, tradition, breathing exercises, and even heroic acts of bravery. The Indian word yuj, from which we get the word yoga, means to join or yoke. The basic concept is one of connectivity, and its numerous […]

how to practise the asanas of hatha yoga

How To Practise The Asanas Of Hatha Yoga?

By team | October 8, 2023

Hatha yoga is sometimes referred to as the “yoga of postures.” Only traditional hatha yoga texts discuss physical poses in such depth and context. Asanas served no use other than meditation before the hatha yoga era. The original concept behind hatha yoga was to cleanse the physical self before engaging in the more abstract mental […]

why is breathing so important in yoga

Why Is Breathing So Important In Yoga?

By team | October 7, 2023

What makes breathing so crucial in yoga? Changing how you feel intellectually, emotionally, and physically is as simple as adjusting your breathing pattern, which also helps your body’s physiological functions work more efficiently. The focus on the breath is central to yoga. Yoga originates from Sanskrit and means “union” or “yoke” in English.  Yoga involves […]

how does aromatherapy enhance your yoga routine

How Does Aromatherapy Enhance Your Yoga Routine?

By team | October 6, 2023

Both yoga and aromatherapy are ancient holistic practices that have been shown to positively affect the practitioner on all levels of being. Aromatherapy blends can be used during yoga to increase the therapeutic effects of the practice and provide additional benefits. Using carefully selected essential oil blends not only enchants the senses during practice but […]

how is hatha yoga different from regular yoga

How Is Hatha Yoga Different From Regular Yoga?

By team | October 5, 2023

Hatha Yoga is a subset of Yoga that emphasises physical asanas and pranayama techniques for health benefits. “Hatha” refers to the harmony of contrasting qualities, such as power and agility. Hatha Yoga, via various asanas, attempts to improve physical fitness by strengthening, stretching, and aligning the body. Pranayama is a breathing technique that allows you […]

how intuitive movement fit into yoga

How Intuitive Movement Fit Into Yoga?

By team | October 4, 2023

Yoga has countless advantages, from the material to the metaphysical and everywhere. What makes yoga so special if there are other ways to improve flexibility and muscle strength? Yoga differs from other mindfulness or movement-based practises because it enables one to connect to intuition, the body’s incredible, built-in wisdom. Connecting with your body, listening to […]