what benefits does kundalini yoga offer

What Benefits Does Kundalini Yoga Offer?

Awareness is the goal of Kundalini Yoga, also known as the Yoga of the Kundalini. It’s yoga for those who get out and about in the world, the householder variety. Renunciates are responsible for the development of most other yoga traditions. Kundalini Yoga provides tools for rapid spiritual development and recovery.

Regular practice allows you to feel your actual self and transcend the confines of time and place. Your life will gain strength, brilliance, and stability from this direct encounter with your higher self. Kundalini yoga is more than a set of physical postures and breathing exercises with health benefits. 

Kundalini yoga positions are designed to awaken the body’s latent energy, which is located at the base of the spine. This energetic reawakening raises your level of consciousness, allowing you to transcend your ego and connect with your true self. Almost all of humanity’s flaws can be traced back to one source: the ego. Learn more about kundalini yoga and the health advantages of kundalini mudra by reading this article.

Kundalini Yoga: What Is It?

Kundalini Yoga: The Awakening of Coiled Energy

Within the realm of Kundalini yoga, breathwork, physical exercises, and the chanting of mantras converge harmoniously. The term ‘Kundalini’ derives from the Sanskrit word ‘kundal’, translating to ‘coiled energy’. This ancient philosophy posits that dormant energy resides at the spine’s base, and through the guidance of this energy across the seven chakras, it can be liberated at the crown of the head.

The Evolutionary Journey through Kundalini Yoga

Engaging with Kundalini Yoga offers a transformative journey towards one’s true self. Just as a snake continually sheds its skin to reveal its underlying essence, practitioners of Kundalini similarly peel away layers of their past selves. By aiming to deepen self-awareness, Kundalini fosters tranquillity in the mind while unlocking the energy hubs, or chakras. The practice of Kundalini yoga encompasses a spectrum of intricate asanas, meticulous breathwork, and profound meditation. These rituals, when repeatedly performed for extended durations, facilitate the dynamic flow of kinetic energy across the body.

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Kundalini’s Historical Veil

The teachings of Kundalini yoga, deeply entrenched in age-old traditions, remained shrouded in secrecy for centuries. Historically, these sacred teachings were the preserve of the elite, accessible only to royalty and the privileged classes. However, the landscape shifted dramatically when Bhajan introduced these principles to Western shores in the late 1960s, breaking barriers by disseminating this knowledge openly. As a result, Kundalini yoga has blossomed in recent times, capturing the fascination of many worldwide.

How Do Kundalini Yoga Meditations Work? 

Breath practice, kriyas, mantras, meditations, and mudras are all part of the long, varying Kundalini Yoga meditation process. Together, they can trigger a pleasant chemical response in the brain and body, elevating our spirits. All of our feelings, from happiness to sadness to joy, have their unique frequency.

To be receptive to such potent energy, you must first ready yourself. The energy might be harmful if it is not received properly. Therefore, take precautions and mentally ready oneself before performing Kundalini Yoga meditation. This is the groundwork you must lay before you can begin to practise Kundalini Yoga.

Set Your Mind To It

Preparing your mind is the most crucial stage before beginning Kundalini yoga. It may take some time to adjust if you are not a frequent meditator. The only way to progress in this lengthy procedure is to be patient. Although two minutes may seem like an eternity, you must maintain patience and push through. Therefore, with consistent effort, you will eventually come to like the procedure. 

Before beginning the yoga meditation, it is recommended that you locate a quiet space, dress comfortably, cover your head with a scarf or shawl, and have a glass of water nearby.  

Kundalini Yoga emphasises the significance of covering the head. Yogi Bhajan taught that covering one’s hair or tying it back was an effective way to focus one’s attention, increase one’s energy flow, and deepen one’s yoga and meditation practice.   

The Proper Posture

When you sit in a meditation posture that allows energy to rise from the base of your spine, the chakras are in proper alignment. If your back isn’t straight, it can prevent energy from rising through your chakras. Relax by crossing your legs and sitting up straight. Join your palms in the middle of your chest in Prayer Pose, fingers pointing skyward. While you’re sitting, prop a pillow beneath your bottom. 

If sitting on the floor is uncomfortable, try sitting on a chair with your feet planted firmly on the ground instead. Avoid sitting with your legs crossed. When seated properly, you can relax and close your eyes gently. 

Feel Your Breathing

Focus your attention on the area of your brow that houses your third eye or your sixth chakra as you close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply. That space between your brows and a little higher. You should be split into quarters. Hold your breath until a count of four, then slowly let it out. Divide your exhalation into four parts, then hold it for a count of four. Repeat the steps four times. Pull your belly button towards your spine as you inhale and exhale. It takes roughly 7 to 8 seconds for each breath cycle. Do this yoga meditation for three to five minutes. 

It would help if you lengthened the time you spend breathing so that you can sense the breath’s movement inside your body rather than merely hearing it. To reach the next level, mastering breath control is essential for awakening the Kundalini. 

Exercises For Meditation

To prepare your mind for more in-depth meditation, you can perform exercises to help you relax. A few examples are: 

Spinal Rotation

Maintain an upright and straight posture when you sit on the floor. Keep your knees together as you fold your legs. Focus on the space between your brows. While keeping your hands on your thighs, rotate your torso 26 times in each direction. You’ll feel more energised all over and be able to stretch out your hips and spine.  

Relax your shoulders and sit up straight while you roll your neck. Tense neck muscles can be eased by gently rocking your head back and forth. Start by bending your head to the right in a circular motion, then back to its original position. Then, give it a shot from an angle. The bottled-up energy can be released by doing these rotations for roughly 2 minutes. 

Choose The Appropriate Mantra

If you want to improve your concentration and attention, try chanting a powerful mantra in your mind while you breathe. It will keep your mind from wandering and causing you stress. If you are distracted or nervous throughout this meditation, chanting the Mantra Sa Ta Na Ma can help bring your focus back to the present. The meaning of Sa Ta Na Ma is “Infinity, Life, Death, and Rebirth.” This chant will facilitate a union with your truest, highest self by bringing your attention within.  

You can use these mantras as a motivating tool in your meditation practice. Mantras, or spiritual chants, range from the commonplace (Om) to the exotic (Hare Krishna). Please find a few chants you may easily relate to and try them. The appropriate chant can profoundly affect your meditation and help you access your latent kundalini energy. 

Kundalini is the way to go if you’re short on time yet want to do yoga. When you’re feeling fatigued, before meals, at work, or on the way home, take a few minutes to do this. You will experience a profound inner shift and sensation. Relaxation, peace, and contentment in one’s personal, professional, and creative endeavours will result.

Benefits Of Kundalini Yoga 

Let’s face it: we’re all fighting an uphill battle for contentment and success. We’re fighting through a troubled state of mind and a tidal wave of setbacks. Our mental, bodily, and emotional equilibrium has been disrupted as a result of this. As a result, Kundalini Yoga aids in pursuing and attaining complete contentment and tranquillity.  

By strengthening our self-awareness via yoga, we can better confront our deepest fears and doubts and maintain a steady emotional centre. We are beginning to crack under the combined weight of job and personal stress. Our minds and bodies are overrun with negativity, stunting our development and innovation. 

Physical Benefits 

To stimulate certain glands and organs, practitioners of Kundalini Yoga often place their limbs at odd angles during certain positions. Pressure is built up by maintaining the position while breathing deeply; releasing the position brings fresh blood and vitality to the area. As a result, many different body and mind sections can recover. For example: 

  • It stimulates the endocrine system, increases lung capacity, and cleans the circulatory system.  
  • Reduces or gets rid of back discomfort.  
  • It aids with concentration, boosts memory, and strengthens the body.  
  • Treatment for kidney stones, liver disease, and gastrointestinal issues.  

Kundalini Yoga targets the seven main energy centres (chakras) down the spine and 2 in the head’s crown, which helps strengthen and soothe the nervous system. Therefore, increasing your vitality for optimal physical wellness. 

Mental Benefits 

Kundalini Yoga has a calming effect on one’s psyche. This is because the energy centre at the crown of the head is energised when the Kundalini is awoken. This activates brain regions, sending signals of calm and resilience to the mind. The same force that inspires you also prepares you to thrive in life. If you practise regularly, you’ll be able to reduce the amount of inactive, unproductive energy in your system. You may improve your intuition and communicate with the universe to bring good fortune into your life by doing this type of yoga meditation. 

Spiritual Benefits 

When the dormant Kundalini is awoken, the life force travels through the seven chakras. It purifies and stokes the “sacred fire” within us, like the body’s thermogenic metabolic energy. Kundalini energy leaves the body via the crown chakra without any energetic or material barriers. It combines with the energy of the Divine to lead us on a path to enlightenment. 

Those striving to live a spiritual life will find that this energy provides a solid internal basis. Your spirit and soul will also be reawakened.  Some Kundalini yoga practitioners become devout Sikhs as a result of their practice. This form of yoga, however, is secular and open to people of all faiths or none. Regardless of your faith path, you will undergo a spiritual awakening. Even atheists can benefit from this realisation.

Emotional Benefits 

Realising your true nature and conquering your anxieties will free you from the toxic emotional self you formerly were. Kundalini yoga is a practice that can help you purge your body and mind of harmful, negative thoughts and emotions. Kundalini Yoga calms the brain and spinal cord to release jolts of energy all over our bodies. 

Also, it will help you become more self-aware and maintain harmony on all levels. The more self-aware and at ease you are, the better off you will be emotionally and professionally.  

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The Safety Of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga, or “yoga of awareness,” is a comprehensive practice that draws from all other yoga schools. Those who practise Kundalini often call it “the mother of all forms of yoga.” The goal of the practice is to help people become more self-aware and compassionate so that they can better serve the needs of others through the awakening of Kundalini energy. Life force energy, or Kundalini, is thought by practitioners to be responsible for harmonising the endocrine, chakra, and meridian systems. 

Kundalini Yoga practitioners can achieve profound mental and physiological states through various practices. Some people doubt Kundalini Yoga’s safety because of their reactions to their own intense experiences. However, it’s been promoted as harmless and beneficial for severe emotional illnesses. Examples of how Kundalini Yoga helped people with conditions like ADHD, Autism, and even personality and mood disorders are shown. He asserts that this drug-free therapy has more than established itself to be both safe for personal development and an effective healing tool.


Kundalini Yoga, which is also called “Yoga of the Kundalini,” is a strong practice with many benefits, such as increased awareness, fast spiritual growth, and healing. It’s meant to wake up the body’s dormant energy, which is at the base of the spine. This helps people get over their egos and connect with their real selves. Kundalini yoga is more than just a series of poses and breathing exercises. It is a journey toward one’s real self that brings peace to the mind and frees the energy centers, or chakras.

Kundalini yoga’s ancient lessons were once kept secret, but Bhajan brought them to the West in the late 1960s, breaking down barriers and gaining interest all over the world. Kundalini yoga involves complex asanas, careful breathwork, and deep meditation, all of which help the body’s moving energy flow through it in a dynamic way.

To do Kundalini Yoga, you have to first get your mind ready and be calm. Find a quiet place, put on comfortable clothes, put a scarf or blanket over their head, and have a glass of water close by.

To do Kundalini Yoga, you have to focus your mind on the energy and do it every day. Find a quiet place to start, dress easily, and put a scarf or shawl over your head. Sit in a way that lets energy rise from the base of your spine. This will make sure that your chakras are in the right place.

Focus on your third eye, or sixth chakra, which is in the middle of your face. Hold your breath until the count of four, then slowly let it out. Repeat the steps four times, pulling your belly button toward your spine as you inhale and exhale. To wake up the Kundalini and get closer to your higher self, you need to learn how to control your breath.

Kundalini yoga is a strong and effective form of meditation that can help people feel completely happy and at peace. It uses movements like rotating the spine, rolling the neck, and chanting mantras to help calm the mind. These techniques can help improve focus and concentration, which can help the mind stay in the present.

Kundalini Yoga is great for people who don’t have much time but still want to do yoga when they are tired or worried. It makes the endocrine system work better, gives you more air in your lungs, and cleans out your vascular system. It also helps you focus, remember things, and make your body stronger.

Kundalini yoga works on the seven main energy centers (chakras) along the spine and two in the crown of the head. This helps strengthen and calm the nervous system. This leads to the best possible mental, spiritual, and social health as well as the best possible physical health. When the Kundalini is awakened, the energy at the crown of the head becomes active. This wakes up parts of the brain and sends messages of calm and strength.

Kundalini Yoga is not tied to any religion and is open to people of all faiths. This means that people of all faiths can do it. It can help people become more self-aware and caring, which makes them better able to help others. It’s been said that it’s safe and can help people with serious mental illnesses like ADHD, Autism, and personality and mood problems.

Kundalini yoga has many benefits for people who want to be happy, calm, and aware of themselves. It is a therapy that is safe and works well, and it can help people reach deep emotional and physical states.

Content Summary

  • Kundalini Yoga, often termed the Yoga of the Kundalini, seeks awareness.
  • Unlike most yoga traditions developed by renunciates, Kundalini Yoga suits the householder.
  • It provides tools for rapid spiritual development and healing.
  • With regular practice, practitioners transcend the limitations of time and place.
  • Kundalini yoga isn’t just physical; it offers significant health benefits.
  • The positions in Kundalini yoga awaken the body’s latent energy.
  • This yoga promotes consciousness beyond the ego.
  • The ego is considered the root cause of most human imperfections.
  • Breathwork, physical exercises, and mantras harmonise in Kundalini yoga.
  • ‘Kundalini’ translates to ‘coiled energy’ in Sanskrit.
  • Engaging with Kundalini Yoga offers a transformative journey.
  • Kundalini encourages tranquillity in the mind and the unlocking of chakras.
  • Historically, Kundalini teachings were reserved for the elite.
  • Bhajan popularised these teachings in the West in the late 1960s.
  • As a result, Kundalini yoga has garnered global interest recently.
  • Kundalini Yoga meditation combines breath practice, kriyas, mantras, and mudras.
  • Proper preparation is vital to safely receive Kundalini energy.
  • Preparing one’s mind is crucial before practising Kundalini.
  • Yogi Bhajan emphasised the importance of covering the head during practice.
  • Proper meditation posture facilitates the rising of energy through the chakras.
  • Kundalini Yoga focuses on deep, conscious breathing.
  • Breath control is essential for awakening the Kundalini.
  • There are specific exercises to relax the body and prepare for meditation.
  • Chanting mantras, like Sa Ta Na Ma, can enhance concentration.
  • Kundalini Yoga can be practised during short breaks for quick rejuvenation.
  • The practice helps in achieving complete contentment and tranquillity.
  • It strengthens self-awareness and emotional stability.
  • Kundalini Yoga has unique physical positions that stimulate various organs.
  • This yoga boosts endocrine function, lung capacity, and circulation.
  • It can assist in treating back pain, liver disease, and gastrointestinal issues.
  • Kundalini targets the main energy centres to enhance physical wellness.
  • Awakening the Kundalini energises the crown of the head, promoting mental calmness.
  • Regular practitioners can reduce unproductive energy in their systems.
  • Kundalini Yoga helps in spiritual growth and leads to enlightenment.
  • It is a secular practice, welcoming individuals from all religious backgrounds.
  • The practice promotes emotional wellness by dispelling negative thoughts.
  • Kundalini Yoga harmonises the brain and spinal cord for energy release.
  • Practitioners become more self-aware and emotionally balanced.
  • It’s known as “the mother of all forms of yoga” due to its comprehensive nature.
  • The primary goal is self-awareness and compassion through Kundalini awakening.
  • Kundalini harmonises various systems in the body, including the endocrine.
  • Practitioners can achieve profound mental and physiological states with Kundalini Yoga.
  • Some are sceptical of its safety due to the intensity of experiences.
  • However, it’s promoted as beneficial even for severe emotional conditions.
  • Kundalini Yoga has helped individuals with ADHD, Autism, and mood disorders.
  • It stands as a drug-free therapy and an effective healing tool.
  • Kundalini energy resides at the spine’s base and can be released at the head’s crown.
  • The practices in Kundalini Yoga facilitate the kinetic flow of energy in the body.
  • Kundalini Yoga’s effectiveness is rooted in ancient principles and practices.
  • The practice encourages individuals to shed past selves and evolve.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is The Most Important Thing In Kundalini Yoga?

Pranayam, or breath control, is a central component of Kundalini Yoga. Oui, We have just posted an entire article on Pranayam, but here’s a short recap. Pranayam is considered the “science of breath,” a form of energy management to manage different health, consciousness, and emotional energy states.

What Happens When You Do Kundalini Yoga Every Day?

Kundalini Yoga Meditation offers many benefits, like increased energy levels, improved strength, mental clarity, balance, and health. Many yogis consider this form of yoga a powerful tool for self-discovery, helping them become their best daily.

How Does Kundalini Yoga Change You?

A Kundalini practice involves breathing exercises to expand your lung capacity over time. Lung capacity is directly related to vitality and cardiovascular health, so improving lung capacity will yield immediate health benefits.

What Is The Power Of Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga builds strength and resilience. Our true strength comes from our core energy, not our muscles. If our energy reserves are low, we feel weak in body and spirit, and our ability to persevere through life’s challenges diminishes.

Is Kundalini Yoga For Everyone?

Kundalini yoga is not a religion; it is universal and nondenominational. It is known as “The Yoga of Awareness” and is the fastest way to establish an aligned relationship between your body, mind and soul. Kundalini yoga is for anyone and everyone.