how to do yoga

How To Do Yoga: Tips And Poses For Beginners

If you’re starting in yoga, you might be intimidated by the sheer variety of positions and the unfamiliarity of their names. However, it is not necessary to make yoga difficult. You’ve already done a yoga pose today if you got out of bed and raised your arms above your head. And keep in mind that yoga is something you can do for the rest of your life, giving you plenty of time to master dozens of different positions.

Because our bodies fold and naturally twist into poses, many fundamental yoga postures feel immediately comfortable. Learn basic yoga postures slowly, breathing deeply and deliberately. When you’re just starting, avoiding overcomplicating things is best. You can spend much time doing the yoga positions for beginners described in this article. You can progress to more difficult poses as your yoga practice strengthens.

Learn The Basics Of Yoga Here!

You’ve already taken the first positive step by considering organising a yoga group. Even if you only have a few minutes a day to devote to yoga, you may make your practice beneficial in many ways. You can use these yoga basics as a jumping-off point. You don’t have to use them all, so don’t worry about it. Instead, let your yoga evolve as you do.

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Find A Good Instructor.

Working with a knowledgeable yoga teacher can greatly enhance your practice. A good yoga instructor will not only be able to address your concerns and questions but will also be able to guide you into each pose with specific instructions and adjustments. An excellent educator knows their stuff but also cares about their students.

Prepare Some Poses In Advance.

Attempting some of the more advanced asanas (poses) at first may seem intimidating. You can benefit from practising common yoga postures like Mountain, Warrior 1, Child, Sun Salutations, and others before your first class. Practising even a couple of these poses for beginners will help you relax and get into the swing of things in your first yoga class.

Wear Comfortable Clothes.

A well-thought-out wardrobe can do wonders in the classroom. You should wear a shirt that provides support and leggings that wick away sweat when doing yoga. Consider purchasing thermal sporting wear that can be layered for further warmth on days when the temperature drops.

Use A Fresh Anti-Slip Mat.

A yoga mat eliminates the risk of injury associated with poses without one. The padding helps protect your wrists and knees from damage. If you want to keep your hands and feet from slipping, use a mat with a high stickiness or grip. Maintaining your mat’s grip and avoiding odours requires regular cleaning.

Adjust To Fit Your Needs And Body.

It will be challenging, especially at first, to master all of the poses taught in your yoga class. If you’re having problems, your teacher can suggest modifications to reduce the strain on your body. Feel free to use props like straps, blocks, and blankets to ease the strain on your body.

Start From Where You Are.

Whether your destination is improved health, less stress, or inner serenity, yoga is a path to self-discovery. Understanding your current location is a crucial first step in reaching any objective. Consider contacting a studio in your area for advice tailored to your skill and fitness levels.

Don’t Compare Yourself To Others.

Yoga is a personal practice. Thus, keeping tabs on other people’s development could be more helpful for comparison and self-judgment. Motivate yourself, have some respect, and feel inspired by their accomplishments, but be easy on yourself if you’re not at their physical level yet. Consistent effort will bring you success.

Go Slow

Refrain from trying to power through the class or each posture. Yoga is reflective, deliberate, and supple. By doing things slowly, you can keep improving without burning out. Injuries are avoided, awareness is increased, and focus is enhanced, among other benefits.

Concentrate On Your Foundation.

Your hands and feet are the structural cornerstones of your body, analogous to a building’s foundation. Maintaining the correct positions requires a solid base of support. Focus on the placement of your hands and feet, and spread your fingers and toes to create a stable foundation.

Keep Hydrated.

No matter what type of exercise you prefer, it is essential to stay hydrated. Although you shouldn’t consume anything while practising yoga, there are still techniques to keep yourself hydrated. Start drinking from a 16-ounce bottle of water about one hour before class. After your yoga session, it’s a good idea to replenish lost fluids with another 20 ounces of liquids.

Don’t Be Distracted.

For a productive session, ignoring distractions like worries, to-do lists, and phone alerts is important. List things to accomplish before practice, and switch off your phone. Take your attention away from your anxieties and place it on your breathing, body, and intentions.

Set A Goal

Intentions set at the beginning of a yoga session can serve as a source of inspiration and drive throughout the practice. You may have a different intention for each practice session. By setting an intention, you can direct your attention away from negative thoughts and distractions and towards more positive emotions such as compassion, calm, and acceptance.


Yoga relies heavily on the natural rhythm of your breath. Incorporating slow, deep breaths into your daily routine can help you feel less stressed and more at ease and increase your energy and alertness. By allowing your body to unwind while you flow through various yoga positions, yogic breathing can help lessen the likelihood of injury.

Mindful Eating

Pay attention to what and when you eat, especially if you like to eat before going to yoga. If you’re feeling hungry, a small snack before class will help you concentrate. Almonds, fibre-rich fruits, and sports bars are popular for folks looking for a light snack. Before your lesson, eat something light and varied. To avoid pain in poses that pressure the stomach, try not to eat anything for at least two to three hours before class.

Observe Your Body’s Limitations.

To achieve your goals in yoga, you must first learn and accept your personal physical and mental limitations. Pay attention to your breathing, stretching, and movement. If you have difficulty breathing or experiencing pain, modify the pose until you can hold it without effort. It’s important to remember that some yoga postures are unsafe to try if you have an injury, are pregnant, or have a chronic health condition.

Develop Your Sense Of Humour.

You could experience periods of awkwardness, discomfort, or even embarrassment when trying out new yoga poses. As you flow through the various poses, remind yourself that you don’t need to worry about doing anything perfectly. Keeping a positive attitude and a light heart throughout yoga courses will help you achieve your goals and avoid unnecessary suffering.

Take In Shavasana.

The final relaxation pose, Shavasana, is among the most challenging in a yoga session. Those who used to be on the go often may find it difficult to slow down and reflect on their inner lives while resting in bed. Focusing on the physical sensations of relaxation is a great way to concentrate on letting go of stress and tension while holding the posture.

Keep Up A Regular Yoga Routine.

Shorter, frequent sessions yield better results than longer, infrequent ones. A daily practice of only a few poses for 15-30 minutes can profoundly affect your physical, emotional, and mental health. You can get a lot more out of a discipline if you do it every day and learn and master it much faster.

Beginner Yoga Pose Guide

Start your practice with these basic poses.

Types Of Poses

Different kinds of yoga poses exist depending on the physical actions required to achieve them. Types of Yoga Poses Presented.

  • Standing poses: Many yoga classes begin with a series of standing positions to “build heat” and get the blood flowing. Long sequences of standing poses characterise Vinyasa/flow yoga. You can execute the standing postures at your own pace in a Hatha class.
  • Balancing poses: The core strength required for many advanced yoga postures can be developed by practising beginner balances. Although you may find balances challenging at first, you will experience significant improvement with consistent practice.
  • Backbends: The spine is flexed and extended gently at first and then more deeply as you gain experience. Backbends are crucial for spinal health and lifespan because they mimic the movement rarely performed in regular life.
  • Seated poses: After the body has warmed up, yoga practitioners go into seated stretches, which often target the hips and hamstrings. You can increase your comfort level in seated yoga poses by placing a folded yoga blanket or a block under your seat.
  • Resting or supine poses: If you need a break from your yoga practice, you should be familiar with your resting poses. These reclining positions continue the seated sequence’s treatment on the hips and hamstrings and feature mild back bending, twisting, and inversion.

Sukhasana, An Easy Pose To Reduce Stress

Place your hands and palms on your knees while sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat. Try to keep your spine as calm as possible. To do this, you must press your “sit bones” (the bones you’re sitting on) firmly into the floor. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing for a moment.

This is a good posture to adopt when first learning the ropes. One need only sit on the floor to observe and participate in the external rotation of the legs. This posture helps relieve stress and tension in the back.

Cat-Cow To Awaken The Spine And Reduce Back Pain

Position your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips as you get down on all fours on your mat. Spread your fingers wide and distribute your body weight evenly over your hands. Take a deep breath and arch your back as you tuck your chin to your chest, feeling the stretch down your spine. While exhaling, elevate your head and tilt it back as you round your spine into a scoop.

Cat-Cow helps relieve back pain by stretching and reawakening the spine. The increased mobility benefits the spine, chest, neck, and shoulders. It’s best to say it five to ten times, at least.

Improve Your Balance With The Tree Pose (Vrksasana)

To begin, stand up straight. Raise your hands in a supplicatory gesture over your head. Keep your weight on your right foot. Keep your left foot pressed against the inner thigh of your right leg as you extend your left knee to the side. Keep that position for the next thirty seconds. Alternate between using your left and right leg.

The entire body, from the soles of the feet to the tips of the fingers, gets a good stretch in this position. It’s a great way to work on your equilibrium, too.

Adho Mukha Svanasana, Downward-Facing Dog, To Improve Flexibility

The body in Downward-Facing Dog assumes a V-shape inversion. When you begin, palms down on the mat. Your hands should be slightly in front of your shoulders. Raise your shins until they’re level with your hips. Extend your knees and lift your buttocks and hips off the ground as you breathe out. Extend your heels towards the floor and push the tops of your thighs back. 

Don’t let your head dangle loosely; tuck it between your upper arms. If you feel your lower back rounding, bending your knees can assist you in regaining your natural spine’s elongation.

The benefits of Downward-Facing Dog include a lowered heart rate, increased flexibility, less anxiety, strengthened arms and legs, a decompressed spine, and an expanded chest and shoulders. 

Generally, the pose is held for five breaths on each side or longer to increase the strength benefits. Stretch from the wrists to the hips as you inhale, and sink from the hips to the heels as you exhale.

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Child’s Pose (Balasana) To Promote Relaxation

Downward-Facing Dog can be modified to include a chest-to-floor variation by bending the knees and bringing the butt down to the heels. Then lower your chin and neck to the floor. Put your arms at your sides with your palms facing down, or fold your arms in front of your forehead to prop up your head. Take as much time as you need to breathe and unwind.

One of my favourite yoga poses is the child’s pose, which is refreshing. It brings awareness to the link between breathing and physical movement and relaxes the entire body. It’s a chance to slow down, focus inside, and reconnect with your physical self by focusing on your breathing. Child’s pose is a terrific option when you need a break from your yoga practice or want to calm down.

Pose Like A Baby Pigeon To Widen Your Hips

From a four-pawed position, bring your right knee up to your chest. In a lunge position, slowly extend your left leg behind you, maintaining the knee and the top of the foot on the ground. It would help if you now had your right calf flat on the floor, your right foot tucked under your left groyne, and your right knee rotated towards your right wrist. Your upper body should be lowered over the bent leg to the floor or your elbows. Take five deep breaths and release them slowly. 

Before switching sides, put some weight on your left foot and lean back to stretch your calves. Alternate bending your left leg and straightening your right one. Runners love this position because it increases hip mobility and relieves pressure on the glutes and lower back. You must execute this stretch if you run, do CrossFit, lift weights, or spin regularly to maintain strength and flexibility and improve your workouts and results. This pose may be difficult at first, but it will become one of your favourites with practice.

Tadasana, Or Mountain Pose, To Boost Posture

Feel the ground beneath your feet and the muscles in your legs and back as you stand motionless with your arms at your sides and your chest out. Examine your body language in a mirror.  If your shoulders aren’t balanced, you’ll be able to see it in this stance and know exactly what you need to improve on. If one of your pencils is extremely cocked in, your shoulder will be, too.

Viparita Karani: Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose To Restore And Rejuvenate

This is a wonderful final pose for yoga practitioners of all levels. Get down on the floor and press your body against a wall. Your body should resemble a L shape when you are finished; to do this, “walk” your legs straight up the wall until your torso is perpendicular to the ground. 

For comfort, try propping yourself up with a rolled-up blanket under your lower back and resting your elbows on the floor beside you. Pull up on your toes to get a good stretch in your calves. Take a few deep breaths and stay there as long as you like. You can unwind by rolling over onto your side and bringing your knees to your chest. The energy in your legs will be replenished after striking this stance.


Starting yoga can be scary because there are so many positions, and they all have names. But yoga doesn’t have to be hard since it’s something you can do for the rest of your life. Learn basic yoga poses slowly, making sure to breathe deeply and carefully, and don’t make things too hard. Spend some time doing the yoga poses in this article that is good for beginners. As you get better, you can move on to harder poses.

Find a good teacher who can answer your questions and help you get into each pose by giving you specific instructions and tweaks. Before going to your first yoga class, try popular poses like Mountain, Warrior 1, Child, and Sun Salutations. This will help you relax and get into the swing of things. Wear comfortable clothes, like a shirt and pants, and a new nonslip mat to avoid getting hurt. Change things to fit your wants and body, and begin where you are.

Yoga is a personal practice, so don’t compare yourself to other people. Keep an eye on how other people are getting stronger, and don’t be too hard on yourself if you aren’t there yet. Slow down, pay attention to your base, and keep drinking water. Focus on your breathing, your body, and your goals to stay on task and keep yourself going. Set goals at the start of each practice session to keep your mind off negative thoughts and other distractions and on more positive feelings.

Yoga uses the natural flow of your breath, which can help you feel less stressed, have more energy, and be more aware. Eating mindfully is important, especially before yoga class, and a small snack can help you focus. In yoga, paying attention to what your body can and can’t do is important. Having a sense of humour and paying attention to how your body feels can help you relax and pay attention to the techniques.

Shavasana, the final relaxation pose, is hard, but it is important to focus on the physical sensations of relaxation in order to let go of worry and tension. Even if you only do a few yoga moves for 15 to 30 minutes daily, this can greatly affect your physical, emotional, and mental health.

There are many different kinds of yoga poses, like standing, balancing, backbends, sitting, and resting. Hips and hamstrings are worked on in the sitting pose, and hips and hamstrings are also worked on in the resting pose.

Sukhasana is a simple way to lower stress. While sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat, put your hands and palms on your knees. By stretching and waking up the spine, the cat-cow helps get rid of back pain and wake up the spine. By doing these yoga poses, you can make your health and well-being better as a whole.

The Tree Pose (Vrksasana) is a great way to improve balance and stability. You have to stand up straight, raise your hands, and move your left knee out to the side. This pose gives your whole body a good stretch, from your feet to your fingertips. Downward-Facing Dog, Child’s Pose, and Adho Mukha Svanasana are also good yoga poses for flexibility, strength, and rest. A child’s pose can be a good way to take a break from yoga or to calm down.

This pose is a great way to open up your hips and make them more flexible. It can be used for running, CrossFit, pulling weights, or spinning. Mountain Pose, or Tadasana, is a great way to improve your balance because it makes you feel the ground and the muscles in your legs and back. Viparita Karani is the last pose for yoga practitioners of all levels. To do it, you press your body against a wall and walk your legs straight up the wall until your chest is perpendicular to the ground.

These exercises can help improve your posture, balance, and well-being as a whole. By doing these exercises, you can improve your yoga and your health as a whole.

Content Summary

  • Starting yoga doesn’t require mastering all the positions immediately; learning can be a lifelong journey.
  • Many basic yoga postures feel naturally comfortable as our bodies fold into them.
  • It’s best to learn yoga postures slowly, breathing deeply, and avoiding over-complication.
  • Organising a yoga group is a positive step, even if you have only a few minutes a day.
  • Working with a knowledgeable instructor can greatly enhance your practice by providing guidance.
  • Preparing some basic poses like Mountain, Warrior 1, and Sun Salutations can make starting easier.
  • Comfortable clothing, including supportive shirts and moisture-wicking leggings, is recommended.
  • Using a fresh anti-slip mat can protect your wrists and knees and prevent slipping.
  • Adjusting yoga to fit your needs and body is vital, using props like straps and blocks if needed.
  • Understanding your current skill level is crucial, and local studios can offer tailored advice.
  • Yoga is a personal practice, and comparing yourself to others is unhelpful.
  • Consistent effort is key to success in yoga, and it’s important to go slow and be deliberate.
  • Concentrating on the foundation of your hands and feet provides a stable base for poses.
  • Staying hydrated is essential; drink water before and after class but not during practice.
  • Avoiding distractions like phone alerts helps you to concentrate on your breathing and intentions.
  • Setting a specific goal or intention for each practice can drive inspiration.
  • The natural rhythm of breath is central to yoga, aiding in stress reduction and preventing injury.
  • Mindful eating and choosing light snacks or avoiding food before class can improve comfort.
  • Observing your body’s limitations and adjusting poses helps you work within your abilities.
  • Developing a sense of humour and a positive attitude can ease the stress of trying new poses.
  • Shavasana, the final relaxation pose, helps in letting go of stress and tension.
  • Keeping a regular yoga routine, even if short, can profoundly impact health and learning speed.
  • Various types of poses include standing, balancing, backbends, seated, and resting or supine.
  • Standing poses like Vinyasa or Hatha classes build heat and get the blood flowing.
  • Practicing beginner balancing poses helps in developing core strength.
  • Backbends are essential for spinal health, starting gently and gradually increasing depth.
  • Seated stretches target the hips and hamstrings and can be made comfortable with props.
  • Familiarity with resting or supine poses gives a break during practice.
  • The easy pose, Sukhasana, helps relieve stress and tension.
  • Cat-Cow is a simple pose to awaken the spine and reduce back pain.
  • Tree Pose, or Vrksasana, is great for improving balance.
  • Downward-Facing Dog, or Adho Mukha Svanasana, aids in flexibility and strength.
  • Child’s Pose, or Balasana, promotes relaxation and reconnection with oneself.
  • Pigeon Pose helps in widening hips, which is particularly beneficial for runners.
  • Mountain Pose, or Tadasana, is effective in boosting posture.
  • Legs-Up-The-Wall Pose, or Viparita Karani, serves to restore and rejuvenate.
  • Mountain Pose is often used to build heat and start a yoga class.
  • The Child’s Pose is a refreshing break and allows focusing on the breath.
  • Balancing poses may be challenging initially but show improvement with consistent practice.
  • Seated poses are often performed after the body has warmed up, targeting specific areas.
  • Resting poses continue the seated sequence’s work on hips, hamstrings, and mild bending.
  • Downward-Facing Dog offers benefits like a lowered heart rate, anxiety reduction, and expanded chest.
  • Beginner yoga poses can be practised in shorter, daily sessions.
  • Understanding personal physical and mental limitations is essential to achieving goals.
  • Practising common yoga postures before your first class can benefit you.
  • Thermal sporting wear can be layered for warmth during colder days.
  • Regular cleaning of your yoga mat helps maintain grip and hygiene.
  • In yoga, setting an intention redirects attention towards positive emotions.
  • Mindful eating before class, including light snacks, ensures better focus.
  • The importance of a solid base of support in yoga is highlighted, focusing on the placement of hands and feet.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Should A Beginner Start Yoga?

Start with postures, or yoga asanas, such as downward-facing dog, child’s pose, and savasana. In each pose, focus on pressing your hands or feet into the floor, lengthening your spine, and relaxing your hips.

Should I Do Yoga Every Day?

If you’re in good health, doing a moderate amount of yoga every day is safe, especially if you do various styles.

What Is The Best Time To Do Yoga?

Practice in the morning makes one work better at one’s vocation. In the evening, it removes the fatigue of the day’s strain and makes one fresh and calm.

Who Should Not Do Yoga?

Yoga should not be performed in a state of exhaustion, illness, hurry, or acute stress condition. Women should refrain from regular yoga practice, especially asanas, during their menses. Relaxation techniques and pranayama can be done instead.

How Many Minutes Of Yoga Is Enough In A Day?

The yoga you do should focus on aspects of fitness NOT covered in your other workouts, typically including mobility, flexibility, balance, breathing, therapeutic stretching, and body awareness. If yoga is your only workout, aim for at least 20-30 minutes of yoga six days per week.