The myth that fitness is all about how you look is widespread. Physical fitness has less to do with external appearances and more with internal disposition. It has nothing to do with the unrealistic beauty standards that women everywhere are expected to meet, which can lead to harmful attitudes towards exercise, nutrition, and body image. Muscle gain and fat loss from exercise can give you a specific “look,” but how can you be sure you’re providing your body with what it needs to thrive?
Yoga’s Impact On Physical Fitness
Many people’s only exposure to yoga is through the physical asanas they practise in class. But this only scratches the surface of yoga and all it has to offer. Flexibility is just the beginning of the various ways in which yoga may improve your health and fitness. Gaining this advantage is simple with regular practice; you will be surprised at how far you’ve come after only a few weeks of dedicated effort.
Yoga has several health benefits, including reducing the risk of injury. A regular yoga routine can help prepare the body for the stress of daily life:
- Keep a straight back while you type, stand, sit, or stroll. The total time spent on these seemingly inconsequential actions might quickly pile up. Maintaining a positive frame of mind requires regular resets to healthy posture.
- Reducing anxiety and stress, which in turn gets rid of everyday pain. Many patients experience leg, back, and neck pain due to structural problems. Therefore, if we put forth the effort to realign these places of the body, we can release our aches.
Yoga’s physical demands are another way to promote health and wellness. Even if it’s just “light” exercise, exercise has enormous health benefits. The body’s metabolism will settle into a natural rhythm with the regular practice of yoga and other such methods.
Yoga is not only good for your body, but your mind as well. Practising yoga requires intense concentration on the current moment and your entire body and being. Conditioning the mind is as essential to well-being as conditioning the body.

Is Yoga Enough, Though?
Yoga has numerous positive effects on health and fitness. However, a mix of training methods produces the best results for physical fitness. Yoga is a fantastic (typically low-intensity) exercise that provides the body with the foundational skills necessary for life and athletics. Some yoga postures are more strenuous than others and can increase your core temperature and muscle activity.
Including various yoga practices can help you develop a comprehensive plan for your physical health and wellness. You can ease into more moderate and vigorous activity for sections of your practice by challenging yourself and employing these harder poses to stress the body a bit more.
What Could Yoga Be Missing?
Cardio/Endurance Training
When practising cardiovascular exercise, even a layperson will experience a rapid heartbeat and a noticeable increase in breathing rate and effort. There is a lot of sweat and chaos.
Most individuals can benefit from cardio at a moderate and vigorous intensity. The percentage of maximum heart rate attained during exercise is a standard indication of intensity. However, a steady progression is recommended to preserve the practice’s beneficial effects while the body adapts.
People with low to moderate fitness levels may benefit from the cardiovascular benefits of yoga. Eventually, though, even the sweatiest Vinyasa session won’t be enough to get us out of that very light-to-light intensity range as the human body continually adjusts to its demands. If you’ve grown increasingly content with how gentle your yoga lessons have gotten, it might be time to seek out other forms of physical activity (such as running, swimming, cycling, or high-intensity interval training) to spice up your routine.
Pulling Strength
As yogis, we tend to forget that there is even such a thing as pulling, even though this is the most glaring “deficit” of our practice. This is all we do, push. No matter what yoga position we’re in — plank, Chaturanga, handstand, forearm stand, downward dog — we’re always told to “push the ground away” or “really push into” our mats. Our front upper body—shoulders, chest, and triceps—benefits the most from these exercises. We do not pull things towards us or ourselves towards things (simply because it is tough to incorporate on our mats). The lats, traps, posterior deltoids, rhomboids, and biceps are the primary muscles strengthened by pulling activities.
Hang from a bar and try to pull yourself up if yoga has been your only form of upper body workout for the previous five years, and you’re proudly showing off your strong arms. The human body enjoys a state of overall strength very much. If yoga is the only exercise you’ve been doing, consider looking into pulling strength training.
Overload Progressive
We’ve established that yoga is beneficial for building muscle. Consider the interdependence of our tissues while discussing muscular power. We can’t treat muscles as if they were in a vacuum and ignore everything else. When a muscle attaches to a bone, the fibres become tendons. Muscles, ligaments, tendons, and bones all contribute to the stability of your right leg.
Yoga may have limits regarding strength training. Based on the observation, it is is also true of the connective tissues that wrap bones. They become what we would call “stronger.” On the other hand, “underloading” has the opposite effect, making bones and tissues “weaker.” As a result, we must continually increase the “stress” we place on our bodies if we want to keep them in fighting shape.
The scientific literature broadly confirms these ideas. Specifically, low intensity exercise was not an effective stimulus to increase bone mass. According to the best available data, interventions of moderate to high intensity were found to have the greatest positive effect on bone mass. They discovered that high-strain training had good benefits while low-strain was not a sufficient stimulus for triggering further adaptation effects.
This final aspect is highly contextual and may or may not be an issue for your yoga practice. Do you practise in a predetermined order, like Ashtanga yoga? Do you stick to a strict alignment even when practising a Vinyasa flow, such as keeping your knee stacked over your ankle in Warrior II? If that’s your only exercise, you must get the most out of your body.
Unfortunately, widespread alignment misconceptions in the yoga community can hamper movement versatility. The knee is kept directly over the ankle to “protect” the joint in Warrior II. This is something your yoga teacher has said at least once. That “stacked joints are the best joints” is a frequent misconception among yoginis. The question is, “What happens when you get up off your mat and head for the stairwell?” Do you have a stacked knee?
Isn’t it amazing that we can use our time on the mat to prepare our bodies for the unconscious or unexpected challenges we may face?
In Warrior II, you only work the outer hip muscles if you keep your knee stacked over your ankle the whole time. The muscles involved would be worked at a greater length if the knee were to be dropped in (while the movement’s goal remained the same). As a result, getting “out of alignment” is a great way to build strength in your joints and tissues throughout a wide spectrum of motion.
Varying the intensity of your workouts can prevent tissues from being overstressed from repetitive loading. It can also lead to the development of a more robust biological scaffold. Incorporating varied shapes and loads into your movement practice makes it more enjoyable and stimulates the central nervous system, enhancing motor learning and intermuscular coordination.
Yoga And Fitness Work Best Together
The body responds best to a regimen that incorporates various training modalities, as we have seen. It will take time to figure out what your body needs. Every person is unique! Always pay attention to your body because it will tell you exactly what it needs.
Start your day slowly with gentle yoga or a walk if you’re feeling stiff and achy. Use that enthusiasm and energy to your advantage if you are in such a state. Put into practice the new kind of training you’ve been thinking about (maybe a hot or high-level flow?!). and observe the results.
Fun and beneficial physical activity are at the heart of fitness. Take your time figuring out what activities you enjoy and what fits into your schedule to find the greatest physical fitness regimen for you. Time constraints and our tendency to be creatures of habit mean that we might not try out new approaches to training. So keep this in mind and experiment whenever you can! It may be what your system craves.
What More Workouts Can You Do In Addition To Yoga
One of the most crucial things we can do for our health and happiness is to engage in regular physical activity. You may only want to (or be able to) reach some of your fitness goals by practising yoga exclusively. Yoga is just one form of physical activity that may be incorporated into a weekly training plan. Low-impact aerobic exercises such as bicycling, jogging, and swimming will work best. Adding weight training to your yoga practice is a fantastic anaerobic workout that can help you gain muscle and lose fat.

How To Get The Most Out Of Your Yoga Workout
Whatever your objectives, following some advice will make the process much less stressful and pleasurable.
Make It A Routine.
Maintaining a regular yoga practise is the fastest way to gain flexibility and strength. The benefits to your physical health, mental health, and emotional health, as well as your overall well-being, can only be shown with consistency. If yoga is your primary form of exercise, you should strive to practise at least five 30-minute sessions per week.
Get Some Help.
There is a common misconception that using yoga props is for those who “can’t,” leading some to feel inferior, which feeds the ego’s desire to have us avoid challenging ourselves. The reality is rather different, though! Occasionally, using yoga props can make the position more difficult than without them. Always pay respects at the gravesite. Use props like blocks and straps to ease into new poses and deepen your yoga practice.
Try Something Different.
Crockford suggests switching things up by switching times, places, or even instructors. A little diversity goes a long way to avoid stagnation and keep things interesting. Teragawa explains this is beneficial since “every teacher has their style and way of instructing postures and transitions.” You may increase your strength and flexibility with yoga even if you don’t have a studio membership by trying yoga sequence at home.
Pay Attention To Your Body.
What constitutes “Yoga” on any one day may change. Be kind to yourself and trust your body to tell you when and how to push yourself in yoga positions. This heightens consciousness, which is useful on and off the mat. If you want to fully respect where you and your body are at that time, you shouldn’t just unthinkingly repeat everything a teacher tells you to do.
Yoga is a powerful form of exercise that can improve physical fitness by providing flexibility, reducing the risk of injury, and reducing anxiety and stress. It also helps prepare the body for daily life stressors, such as sitting, typing, and walking. Regular practice can help maintain a positive frame of mind and reduce everyday pain.
Yoga’s physical demands also promote health and wellness, as the body’s metabolism settles into a natural rhythm. It is not only good for the body but also for the mind, as it requires intense concentration on the current moment and the entire body.
However, yoga may be missing some essential aspects of physical fitness. Cardiovascular exercise can be beneficial for those with low to moderate fitness levels, but a steady progression is recommended to maintain the practice’s beneficial effects. Pulling strength, which involves pushing the ground away, is essential for building muscle and maintaining overall strength.
Overload progressive yoga is beneficial for building muscle, but it may have limits in terms of strength training. Low-intensity exercise is not effective in increasing bone mass, as interventions of moderate to high intensity have the greatest positive effect on bone mass. High-strain training has good benefits, while low-strain is not sufficient for triggering further adaptation effects.
In conclusion, yoga is a valuable form of exercise that can improve physical fitness and overall well-being. However, it is essential to incorporate other forms of physical activity, such as cardio, pulling strength training, and overload progressive yoga, to ensure optimal results.
Variability is crucial in yoga practice, as it allows for flexibility and strength to be developed. Misconceptions about alignment can hinder movement versatility, but it is essential to incorporate varied shapes and loads into your movement practice to prevent overstressing and enhance motor learning and intermuscular coordination.
Yoga and fitness work best together, and it is essential to pay attention to your body’s needs. Start your day with gentle yoga or a walk to prepare for unexpected challenges. Incorporate new training modalities into your routine, such as hot or high-level flow, and observe the results.
In addition to yoga, engaging in regular physical activity is essential for health and happiness. Low-impact aerobic exercises like bicycling, jogging, and swimming can be beneficial, and weight training can help gain muscle and lose fat. To get the most out of your yoga workout, make it a routine, use props like blocks and straps to ease into new poses, and try something different.
Switching up times, places, or instructors can help avoid stagnation and keep things interesting. Paying attention to your body is also essential, as what constitutes “yoga” on any one day may change. Trusting your body’s guidance and respecting your body’s needs are essential for a successful yoga practice.
Content Summary
- The misconception that fitness is solely about appearance is widespread.
- Physical fitness is more about internal disposition than external looks.
- Unrealistic beauty standards for women can lead to harmful attitudes.
- Muscle gain and fat loss create a specific “look,” but is it enough for overall health?
- Yoga’s impact goes beyond physical appearance to internal health.
- Flexibility is just the beginning of yoga’s benefits.
- Regular practice yields surprising progress in a few weeks.
- Yoga reduces the risk of injury and improves posture.
- It helps to maintain a positive frame of mind and healthy posture.
- Yoga reduces anxiety, stress, and everyday pain.
- Yoga’s physical demands promote health and metabolism.
- Yoga conditions the mind as essential for overall well-being.
- A mix of training methods yields the best physical fitness results.
- Yoga provides foundational skills for life and athletics.
- Including various yoga practices creates a comprehensive health plan.
- Cardiovascular training is missing in traditional yoga.
- Cardio exercises improve heart rate, breathing, and fitness.
- Moderate and vigorous cardio benefits individuals at different fitness levels.
- Yoga may benefit cardiovascular fitness for those with low to moderate levels.
- Pulling strength is often overlooked in yoga practice.
- Yoga mainly involves pushing exercises, neglecting pulling muscles.
- Including pulling strength training complements yoga’s benefits.
- Yoga’s limits for strength training and connective tissues.
- Continually increasing stress maintains body’s adaptation.
- High-strain training effectively increases bone mass.
- Varying workouts prevents tissue overloading and enhances strength.
- A mix of training modalities suits the body’s response.
- Yoga complements other forms of physical activity.
- Engaging in regular physical activity is essential for health and happiness.
- Yoga can be part of a diverse weekly training plan.
- Low-impact aerobic exercises and weight training complement yoga.
- Consistent yoga practice boosts flexibility, strength, and overall well-being.
- Using yoga props isn’t a sign of inability; they enhance poses.
- Yoga props can increase the difficulty of poses.
- Switching times, places, and instructors adds diversity to practice.
- Different instructors offer unique styles and postures.
- Trying yoga sequences at home increases flexibility and strength.
- Be attuned to your body’s needs during yoga practice.
- Your practice may vary each day; be kind to yourself.
- Trust your body’s signals for pushing in yoga poses.
- Increased awareness on and off the mat is a yoga benefit.
- Pay respect to your body’s limitations and progress.
- Regular yoga practice positively impacts physical, mental, and emotional health.
- Progress in yoga is shown with consistent sessions.
- Yoga props enhance poses and deepen the practice.
- Variety in times, places, and instructors prevents stagnation.
- Different teachers bring unique styles to yoga instruction.
- Yoga at home can build strength and flexibility.
- Listen to your body’s cues during yoga sessions.
- Respect your body’s state and practice mindfully.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Yoga Enough Exercise On Its Own?
Whether or not one can get enough exercise just by doing yoga is a hotly debated topic. It is a great way to exercise but may only be enough for your needs if you take vigorous classes like vinyasa or Ashtanga yoga.
What Happens If I Do Yoga?
Regular yoga may reduce stress levels and body-wide inflammation, contributing to healthier hearts. Several of the factors contributing to heart disease, including high blood pressure and excess weight, can also be addressed through yoga.
Can We Do Yoga Instead Of Exercise?
You don’t need machines or free weights to build muscle. There is evidence that yoga does improve strength when practised regularly. Many poses in yoga are a form of body weight training that uses your body weight for resistance, for example, the handstand or the plank.
Can Yoga Alone Transform Your Body?
The upshot is that you can increase muscle tone, definition, and even muscle size with yoga. But because you’re limited to “lifting” your body weight, it may take a lot more skill, time, and determination than it would with lifting weights.
Which Is Better, Yoga Or Exercise?
Yoga is a great choice for improving heart health, as it is a process of healing from the inside. On the other hand, gym training also works on heart health by burning excess calories, but heavy gym training is not recommended for heart patients. Yoga works brilliantly on mental health.